Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Random thoughts, work update

Lately I've been feeling tired..I don't know if that is even the right word to describe it, but it's almost like I'm going bipolar or something haha. I feel like my mood has been up and down for no specific reason.

My friend at work, the other day suggested that I should consider to run away for a day..to just anywhere, without telling anyone..and just come back after with a lot of pictures..Sounds like a cool idea, does it not?..well actually I've thought about doing so before, but I doubt that I ever will. I mean, come on..having time for yourself may be great but not telling anyone where you're going and just disappear like that ..is kind of dangerous. I think there should be at least one person who should know about your whereabout..just in case something happens. ya know i'm sayin?

sigh..oh. i have a new supervisor at work.. she seemed good. she knows what she's doing and i think the place will change for the better...i hope so. it also means that i have to go thru yet another adaptation, getting out of the comfort zone and bla bla bla..
but if it's for the better..why not, right?

thank you daddy for sticking with me thru whatever..You are the BOMB! =)


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