Thursday, November 5, 2009


i'm glad that gravity still exists. no..its not that gravity..thats not the one im talking about here. gravity here is the only power that could keep me grounded when i started floating with no clear direction. or when i seemed to forget where i belong and what my true purpose is in this world.

Believe it or not,doing the same thing over and over again (like going thru your daily routines) could eventually lead you to become unfazed and oblivious to things surrounding you..  like you no longer appreciate small things in your life.....but right at this very moment i feel the gravity displaying its power. I suddenly realize things that ive become ignorant of before. now everything comes back to me one by one and they've played before me like a slideshow in a loop.

i understand know.. i do..
and it's all thanks to you the master of the universe
yo quiero a ti, que hace el sol a bailar.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Happy 21st! Congrats..You are legal now!

Yeap..that's right! I am turning 21. Where the heck did all those years go? Anyway..I didn't have any special celebration. Just like any other birthday I may not remember what I did for my birthday a year or even a month from now..haha.. well, maybe i will but in case that happens at least i still have this note to remind me.

So of course I had to work on my bday. But the people at work were so manager bought me dinner and my co-workers gave me a little surprise cake and stuff (thanks Ms.Jacqui, Mark, Sineth, n everyone else). A guest who's in for an extended stay who sorta already became friends with us even bought me a bday card..aww what a great feeling when someone appreciates you and thinks of you. Then after work, my co-worker Mark insisted that we should grab a drink over at Tazia just to make it 'official'. Of course, what a 21st bday without a drink, right? well I don't actually believe or care about that..since I'm not much of drinker anyway (I get that 'asian glow' everytime..smh) but..i thought why not just for the fun of it. At Tazia, we ended up sitting at the bar with the guest who gave me the bday card earlier and we chatted about random stuff and the hit and miss about the hotel. fun time had by all. Mark and I did not stay very long cause we both were tired already and it was kind of already late, so we bid farewell to that guest and since he is leaving the next day, we exchanged emails.

I got home safe and sound. ...dizzy and glowing.

Thanks Dad for blessing me throughout my 21 years journey! without You I wouldn't be here today.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Random thoughts, work update

Lately I've been feeling tired..I don't know if that is even the right word to describe it, but it's almost like I'm going bipolar or something haha. I feel like my mood has been up and down for no specific reason.

My friend at work, the other day suggested that I should consider to run away for a just anywhere, without telling anyone..and just come back after with a lot of pictures..Sounds like a cool idea, does it not?..well actually I've thought about doing so before, but I doubt that I ever will. I mean, come on..having time for yourself may be great but not telling anyone where you're going and just disappear like that kind of dangerous. I think there should be at least one person who should know about your whereabout..just in case something happens. ya know i'm sayin?

sigh..oh. i have a new supervisor at work.. she seemed good. she knows what she's doing and i think the place will change for the better...i hope so. it also means that i have to go thru yet another adaptation, getting out of the comfort zone and bla bla bla..
but if it's for the better..why not, right?

thank you daddy for sticking with me thru whatever..You are the BOMB! =)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Currently listening to...

i have been listening to swift's u belong with me a that i mean crazy..i dunno..its a catchy, perfect vid clip, and lyric that a lot of girls can relate to..what more can i ask from a song..=p

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Harry Potter 6

Eh, so last night I went to watch HP 6 with my sissy. I thought it was okay, it could've been better. There were some moments that just fell flat, when they could've been more arousing, epic, and grand. Nevertheless, I still enjoyed it and look forward to the final movie.

PS: A shout out to Daddy-G who once again never failed to show His mercy and love! Thanks Dad, with You I'll always be safe, made righteous, encouraged, strengthened, empowered, and whole again.

I can do all things thru Him who strengthened me... <3

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hello Worlds

my very first attempt to blog seriously.. yea of course the first entry should be titled and sound something like this, eh? gonna give myself a pat on the back for stepping into a new commitment. u know i've repeatedly failed to stick to blogging. but this time..i think i have much deeper perspective and motivation behind yep. well done, chica..well done...
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