Saturday, November 12, 2011

Making a Comeback

Oh wow..what can i say..its been a year. wait, actually its been 2 years since i blogged. i know2, i said i was gonna do this seriously, but for one and many other reasons, i failed to follow up on my commitment.

so, just to kinda summarize the gap between my last posting and this one, i spent the year of 2010 dealing with projects, internship, trying to finish up my school, and work. 2010 for me was quite a roller coaster, one of the highlights of the year was definitely my first ever Europe trip! im gonna do a separate post on that later.

and.  .I finally graduated this year!

yay me! I got my degree in this past May.

life after college so far, has been pretty much just work. long story short, i finished up my internship last year and decided to take up on the job offer that the company gave me. it was a pretty touchy decision for me to leave my older job. although it might not have been the best place to work for, but that hotel and the people i worked with there, will always hold a special place in my heart.

moving on....this year itself can be summarized with a title "the year of marriage". so many people that i know got married this year. hmm lets see, so far i've gone to 6 weddings including my sister's! yep thats right, she finally got married..... im so happy for her, though to be honest, it was hard for me at first to get used to her not being around anymore. between my siblings, shes the one whom im closest to. but i wished her and my bro in law all the very best in life and many more blessings from God with most sincere heart.
Click here to see some of the wedding photos taken by our very talented friends Stephen of MyOniku and Henry of Henry Kurniawan Photography.

oh and speaking of marriage, someone else that i know is also getting married next year. the news came to me as quite a surprise. i really didnt expect it, i mean, not saying that she shouldnt get married anytime soon or anything, but its just one of those things that seem surreal, like someone close to you that you know very well, doing something that you havent even thought of doing as early..i dunno, really dont know how to explain it, but yeah..point is, i still cant believe it! haha..dont get me wrong, im excited for her really, but this person is none other than my childhood best friend, Melani. so its like, we grew up together, have known each other for so long..lost contact and then all of the sudden she told me she's getting married in January! whew....haha

but so...since she invited me to the wedding, i'm actually going back home next year! woo main reason is of course to attend her wedding. it'll be a nice reunion too, i havent seen her in almost 10 yrs!!
omg, but i wont lie, im really super duper excited for my upcoming trip back to indo. i promise i'll do diary postings following my journey there.

so yea....i think thats all for now. im really glad to be back here. hopefully this time around, with no more school work, i can really stick to updating this blog. haha...oh, btw, you can expect a posting on my europe trip in the near future. for now, here's a sneak peak:

until then...


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