Friday, June 15, 2012

Solo: The Spirit of Java--Day 1

My plane arrived in Jakarta around 1:00 pm and the connecting flight to Solo was not until at 4:35 pm with Garuda Indonesia. Immigration and custom was a breeze. Visa on arrival was required and good for 30 days for $25 USD. After that, I went to exchange some money even though I know it was not the best way to go about, since the airport money changers usually have a lower rate compared to those in the city, but it was necessary at the time since I didnt have enough cash at hand to pay for taxi etc.

I also bought a local mobile number to communicate with friends and fam in Indo during my trip. They charged pretty high too (almost Rp 90.000), but then again..I got it at the although I felt like being ripped off, there weren't that many options.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Trip to Indonesia: The Tale of 4 Cities

Ahh feels good to be back..
I know it has been a while and I know there is a HUGE gap between my last post and this one. =(
Yes..guilty as charged..I've been slacking off. haha oh least now I'm back. and here it promised, the long-overdue story of my trip! I have been seriously considering of making this blog sort of a travel blog since I have done quite a bit of travelings these past 2 years or so. I can honestly say that I've fully embraced the idea of going to more places in the future and I found out that I genuinely love to travel!! ..not promising anything yet, but let's just see.. ;)

Now, this time it's going to be my recent vacation to Indo back in January. Then after, I will do a post on my Europe vacation =) so without further ado, here's the executive summary of the trip. Enjoy!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Prelude & Excuse has been a while. I am back in the states now and in blogging too. FYI, I did go on that trip to Indo earlier this year.

and yes...I know, I said I would post updates following my journey in Indo last month, which I never did =( and I was so hype about wanting to share the experience here too. But, even until now I found it so difficult to even start writing about it. It's not that I am backing out on what I've promised before, but more like I'm still not quite ready. It was too great of an experience that having to re-live it again, I'm afraid, would only leave me with a heartache when everything comes to an end. =(

However, a promise is a promise and I refuse to revoke my own words. With that said, I have determined to get those postings published sooner than later. Gosh it's going to be exciting!! I have many pics and stories to just  you wait. Until then..enjoy life!

Here's a sneak peak:

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Ushering the New Year

Happy New Year 2012!!
May this year be filled with opportunities, advancements in many areas of life and blessings from God.

It has been a while. I realized I didn't post anything for the whole month of December. It really is true that the holiday can be overwhelming and hectic. Nevertheless, I had a great holiday last year. Spent with family and dear friends, in a modest, simplest way, nothing too extravagant. Then again, the value of Christmas for the longest time -if not still happening- has been diminished to the shallow meaning of celebration glossed over with gifts and parties. So, I think it was good to actually skip all that once in a while and traded it with something much more meaningful.

Relatives from Indo actually came visiting for a few weeks. I was playing tour guide, sort of, during their time They went back home earlier this month with a promise to switch up the role of tour guide for when I go back home at the end of this month. Speaking of which, I am excited beyond words. I still can't believe January is here. Time flew by rather fast this past couple months. As far as preparation, I think I'm in a pretty good shape, just need to figure out what to pack and finalizing itineraries and gathering up documents and stuff. 

It's less than a week..I better start counting down...and pack of
Stay tune and may you start your own journey in this New Year with faith, hope, and positive attitude!


Saturday, December 17, 2011

Eat, Pray, and....Shop? Pt. 2

Arggghhh..sorry for the delay in posting this, got lazy busy for the past few days. So now that it's weekend, everything kind of winds down a bit, finally I got a chance to post the second part of my Thanksgiving weekend recap =)

That Saturday my family and I went to Lancaster. Main reasons going there were to see the Sight & Sound Theater production "Miracle of Christmas" and the infamous smorgasbord buffet --yumminess =p, but we got there early so we went to Tanger outlet and spent couple hours there before heading to the show which started at 4:15pm.

The venue was beautiful! huge...parking lot..very well organized, unlike *cough..cough Old Navy..cough experience..
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