Friday, June 15, 2012

Solo: The Spirit of Java--Day 1

My plane arrived in Jakarta around 1:00 pm and the connecting flight to Solo was not until at 4:35 pm with Garuda Indonesia. Immigration and custom was a breeze. Visa on arrival was required and good for 30 days for $25 USD. After that, I went to exchange some money even though I know it was not the best way to go about, since the airport money changers usually have a lower rate compared to those in the city, but it was necessary at the time since I didnt have enough cash at hand to pay for taxi etc.

I also bought a local mobile number to communicate with friends and fam in Indo during my trip. They charged pretty high too (almost Rp 90.000), but then again..I got it at the although I felt like being ripped off, there weren't that many options.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Trip to Indonesia: The Tale of 4 Cities

Ahh feels good to be back..
I know it has been a while and I know there is a HUGE gap between my last post and this one. =(
Yes..guilty as charged..I've been slacking off. haha oh least now I'm back. and here it promised, the long-overdue story of my trip! I have been seriously considering of making this blog sort of a travel blog since I have done quite a bit of travelings these past 2 years or so. I can honestly say that I've fully embraced the idea of going to more places in the future and I found out that I genuinely love to travel!! ..not promising anything yet, but let's just see.. ;)

Now, this time it's going to be my recent vacation to Indo back in January. Then after, I will do a post on my Europe vacation =) so without further ado, here's the executive summary of the trip. Enjoy!

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