Monday, March 12, 2012

Prelude & Excuse has been a while. I am back in the states now and in blogging too. FYI, I did go on that trip to Indo earlier this year.

and yes...I know, I said I would post updates following my journey in Indo last month, which I never did =( and I was so hype about wanting to share the experience here too. But, even until now I found it so difficult to even start writing about it. It's not that I am backing out on what I've promised before, but more like I'm still not quite ready. It was too great of an experience that having to re-live it again, I'm afraid, would only leave me with a heartache when everything comes to an end. =(

However, a promise is a promise and I refuse to revoke my own words. With that said, I have determined to get those postings published sooner than later. Gosh it's going to be exciting!! I have many pics and stories to just  you wait. Until then..enjoy life!

Here's a sneak peak:
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