Thursday, November 5, 2009


i'm glad that gravity still exists. no..its not that gravity..thats not the one im talking about here. gravity here is the only power that could keep me grounded when i started floating with no clear direction. or when i seemed to forget where i belong and what my true purpose is in this world.

Believe it or not,doing the same thing over and over again (like going thru your daily routines) could eventually lead you to become unfazed and oblivious to things surrounding you..  like you no longer appreciate small things in your life.....but right at this very moment i feel the gravity displaying its power. I suddenly realize things that ive become ignorant of before. now everything comes back to me one by one and they've played before me like a slideshow in a loop.

i understand know.. i do..
and it's all thanks to you the master of the universe
yo quiero a ti, que hace el sol a bailar.
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